Information To Results

The ability to move from information to results.

A critical skill, a learned behavior – often overlooked.

Business Challenge:

In your business, each day in every interaction decisions are made. Some decisions are agreed upon. Other decisions fuel conflict. Some decisions are ignored, even when you think they have been acted upon. Days or weeks later, when you reconvene with your direct reports and teams, the lack of action on issues critical to the success of your business can sometimes seem baffling . . . even maddening!

However, one thing is crystal clear. The ability to ‘give and receive’ information sits at the epicenter of decision-making, speed, execution, and performance. It is the basis for achieving transparency and trust. It is the foundation to moving from information to results. If your leaders are able to understand how their colleagues and team members come to their point of view, they are better able to empathize with alternative perspectives and begin the process of building bridges between competing viewpoints. Your leaders will discern, they will understand nuance, they will create an environment that promotes effective decision-making both on an individual and a team level.


Information to Results™:

A business framework and process that helps your leaders 'connect the dots' between the analytical and the interpersonal worlds that reside within your organization. The result: increased speed of execution. Your leaders and teams will create solutions that one individual or one team could never create alone. You will capitalize on the collective intelligence of your people. You will achieve outstanding results.

Key Content:

Information to Results is a series of processes that involve both ‘taking in’ the perspective of others and ‘actively sharing’ your point of view – creating action steps that lead to results.

One example is the OPEN framework, a process focused on 'hard wiring' information and decision-making to business results.

OPEN Model

In pursuing Information to Results, your leaders 'rewire' how they address pressing business issues; they pursue a level of dialogue that will yield the best possible outcomes; they create new habits of thought and action that meld the analytical with the interpersonal - changing the way individuals and teams think, relate, and act.

Target Audience:

Information to Results is for all leaders within your organization.


By participating in the Information to Results business process, your leaders will achieve:

  • Results. Fast. Individuals within your organization will address pressing business issues in constructive ways - creating action steps that lead to results

  • Greater team unity as individuals and teams work collectively and collaboratively

  • Method of communication that promotes 'taking in' and 'actively sharing' alternative viewpoints in a non-threatening manner

  • Clarity of understanding and empathy regarding the perspective of others

Contact us to learn more about Information to Results™.

"The one-on-one coaching meetings were remarkable. I can point to explicit examples where the coaching and counseling had a demonstrable impact on my performance. The assignments between coaching meetings had a huge impact. The different perspectives offered, helped jolt me out of my line of thinking."

Senior Vice President
Global Pharmaceutical

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